Sydney Waterford Boat Club

Mini Mariners

About the Mini Mariner Fishing boating division

This is a programme which is put in place for children within the age of 5 to 13. The main purpose of the mini mariner club is to teach the basic skills of boating and water precaution skills. You registering your child in a mini marine club would help your child psychological development. This would help your child to socialise and mix with other children of a similar age range.

Children should be allowed to have fun as they want; however, while they are at it, they should be capable of picking one or two skills. This is the primary purpose of a mini marine club.

After you must have registered your ward(s) to the club, you should not leave them all to themselves. You should ensure that they are closely looked after by either you, the parent or a guardian. This is mainly for the safety of such children.

The mini marine club also gives parents and guardians an avenue to socialise with other parents and guardians present at the club during the programme. Most times, parents and guardians are also carried along in several activities during the session. Most times, it is also an avenue for leisure and to pastime away from work.

Here are some of the activities put in place for the children;

  • Safety precautions when they are around a boat – in the club, they would be taught how to act safely around a boat and other water transport systems.
  • Basics of sailing – they will be educated on the beginner’s guide to sailing a boat. The pros and cons will be dealt with to the best of the children’s understanding.
  • How to navigate a boat by rowing it – they would learn how to roll a boat to the best of their knowledge. They would also learn how to successfully tie up their boat when they return from their sail.
  • Fishing skill – the basic techniques and skills of fishing would be learnt by the children.
  • They would also be taught the cardinal points.

What the children in this club would learn is not limited to this. While they are going through this learning process, they are also at the same having fun to the fullest.

During one of the long vacations, you should try and visit the club. This would not only provide your child with an avenue to have fun, but it would also help him/her with some basic life skills such as swimming. This club will also help in a situation if your child is hydrophobic. Your child will be able to overcome his/her phobia for water as a result of regular contact with a not so large water body.

If your child is showing promising signs to be a professional sailor, this club will expose him/her firsthand to what it takes to achieve such a dream. Also, there are professionals in place to help.